Festa mobile

The furniture and accessories A MOVEABLE FEAST, PARIS IN THE TWENTIES collection that I have designed for altreforme are dedicated to my beloved Paris, the city where I have lived intensely for over four years, where the bouquinistes at the quays of Seine have made me discover Paris est une fête, French edition of Ernest Hemingway’s Festa Mobile, diary of the novelist’s age in Paris, but most of all evidence of a unique artistic and cultural existence.
So, just like the main character of Woody Allen’s movie Midnight in Paris, I have figured out myself catapulted in the Ville lumière at its wildest times, when Paris was looked at as the center of cultural experimentation and avant-guarde by the artists from all over the world.
I have walked along the Boulevards of Saint Germain and Montparnasse; I have sat in the cafés, in the bistrots, in the brasseries leaving a trace of my passage everywhere: aluminium jars and Pandora’s pots spread out to find my way back. Here are my Tom Thumb’s crumbs, as I have named them: La Coupole, Le Dôme, Lipp, La Rotonde, Les Deux-Magots, La Closerie des Lilas, Harry’s Bar, Le Sélect, Lutétia, Café de la Mairie, Café de Flore, Le Falstaff, Café des Amateurs and Dingo bar.
Then, I have visited the ateliers; I have jumped here and there among theatres, bookshops and Parisian salons. During my rambles I have dreamt to meet some of the protagonists of those years, spend some time with them and offer each of them a present. The present thought for Ernest Hemingway? A bar, to make his solitary drinking more pleasant.
Thanks Ernest for inspiring me,thanks Valentina for giving me the chance to realize it.

Elena Cutolo